Human Population Cloning Effects
Cloning Benefits
Stem cells are cells the human body needs to grow, maintain and regenerate the body over the span of every human's life. Geneticists are turning to cloning procedures in the hope of finding ways to harvest these stem cells. Once harvested, the stem cells will be used to heal and repair organs and to prevent and reverse human disease. Other benefits of cloning humans may include providing cloned children for families that are incapable of producing their own infants.
Harm to Participants
One effect of cloning human populations may be the unplanned harm of the participants of the process. Because cloning is not yet a definite science, the negative effects on the clones or embryos may be significant. The cloning procedure may threaten the lives and longevity of the clones and may also hinder their mental and physical development.
Damage to Human Psyche
Because children cloned from their "parent" will have his exact DNA, clones will also inherit their parent's predispositions and personality traits to a certain extent. If parents have dangerous or unhealthy traits, they will be passed on to children and thus those involved in the cloning procedure will be knowingly harmful to the clones. Also, there may be issues of identity crisis among clones and their "parents."
Family and Society
Other possible effects of cloning involve the potential relationships between parents and their clones. There is no way to tell whether parents can have healthy relationships with clones of themselves or clones of their spouses. Also, there may be negative retaliation from society regarding the relationships that form as a result of cloning. Also, besides the altering of the present-day definition of family, legal issues regarding parental separations may become more complicated.