The DNAzol Protocol
DNAzol Protocol
There are several sequential steps in DNAzol Protocol; the tissues are homogenized and then centrifuged if necessary to remove fragments. DNA is next isolated by chemical means and washed with ethanol and the chemical removed. Finally, the sample undergoes solubilization by using water alone or a chemical and water mixture to speed up the process.
Improved Homogenization
Homogenization of animal tissues may be enhanced by use of DNAzol Reagent. This should only take five to ten strokes with a handheld homogenizer. Soft tissues can be reduced to smaller fragments and treated with a micropippett.
Plant Tissue
Plant tissue can be powdered by using dry ice and ethanol or liquid nitrogen before extraction.
Required Centrifugation
While centrifugation is generally optional, if excessive preparation before precipitation is necessary, then centrifugation is required before continuing.