The Effects of Agent Orange on Children That Are Born
Ocular Deformities
Agent Orange contained a chemical called dioxin. This chemical acts like a hormone when it is absorbed into the human body. When it gets to cell receptors in developing fetuses before the real hormones that are supposed to guide development, they cause the cells to effectively malfunction and deviate from a normal developmental path. One of the most common effects of Agent Orange on children whose parents were exposed is aberrant ocular development. This deformity can take the form of blindness due to children being born without retinas, without lenses in their eyes, and sometimes without eyes or even eye sockets at all.
Physical Deformities
In addition to being born without eye sockets, or eyes at all, children born to parents exposed to Agent Orange can suffer from a host of terrible physical deformities. These deformities can include stunted or missing limbs, limbs that are longer and shaped differently from healthy ones, cleft lip or palate and heads that can be over-sized or conical in shape. These children can also be born with organ problems, such as heart defects.
Still Birth
Children born to parents exposed to Agent Orange have a high likelihood of being still born, or having such health issues that they don't survive long after birth.
Mental Handicaps
Children born to parents exposed to Agent Orange can be born with severe mental handicaps. These handicaps can vary from learning disabilities and low IQ, to near catatonic states and severe behavioral disorders.
Increased Risk of Cancer
Children born to parents exposed to Agent Orange are at a higher risk for developing cancer, especially leukemia and adrenal gland cancer.
Loss of Parents
People directly exposed to Agent Orange have themselves developed health problems at a higher rate than the average population, including diabetes and cancer.
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