Nebulizers Used for Denufosol
The PARI LC STAR nebulizer is designed for medications that need to reach the deepest parts of a patient's lung tissue. Patients with cystic fibrosis who have compromised airways as a result of the disease will benefit from using this nebulizer as well. The PARI LC STAR nebulizer has been recommended for use with Denufosol, because the medication is broken down to smaller particles and more easily inhaled by the patient.
Jet Nebulizer
Jet nebulizers move air through the Denufosol medication in short bursts. This causes the medication to be transformed into a mist which is then inhaled by the patient. The method of a jet nebulizer turning the medication into a mist makes it easier for the patient to tolerate the medication, as they are only required to breathe normally while the mist is blown near the patient's nose and mouth.
The part of the nebulizer that the patient holds to their face or places in their mouth is only part of the nebulizer system. Without a compressor the medicine would not be altered into a mist and the patient would not benefit from it. The PRONEB Ultra II was the only nebulizer compressor that was used during the clinical trials of the cystic fibrosis drug Denufosol, according to Medpage Today. The compressor is responsible for supplying the pressurized air that passes through the medication which results in the medicine being transformed to a mist. The mist is then carried through the nebulizer mouth unit and inhaled by the patient.