What causes a simple goiter and is it heredity?
A simple goiter is an enlargement of the thyroid gland, which is located in the front of the neck. It can cause a visible swelling of the neck, and in severe cases, it can make it difficult to swallow or breathe.
What causes a simple goiter?
Simple goiters are most commonly caused by a lack of iodine in the diet. Iodine is an essential mineral that the thyroid gland needs to produce hormones. If there is not enough iodine in the diet, the thyroid gland will enlarge in order to try to capture more iodine from the bloodstream.
Other causes of simple goiter include:
* Certain medications, such as lithium.
* Hormonal changes, such as those that occur during pregnancy or puberty.
* Radiation therapy to the neck.
* In some cases, a simple goiter may be present from birth.
Is a simple goiter heredity?
A simple goiter can be hereditary. If you have a family history of goiter, you are more likely to develop one yourself. However, not all people who inherit the trait will develop a goiter.
What are the symptoms of a simple goiter?
Simple goiters often do not cause any symptoms. However, if they become too large, they can cause:
* A visible swelling of the neck.
* Difficulty swallowing.
* Difficulty breathing.
* Hoarseness.
* A feeling of fullness or tightness in the throat.
How is a simple goiter treated?
Treatment for a simple goiter depends on the severity of the condition. Small goiters that do not cause any symptoms may not require treatment. However, if the goiter is large and is causing symptoms, treatment may be necessary.
Treatment options for a simple goiter include:
* Medication to reduce the size of the goiter.
* Surgery to remove the goiter.
* Radioactive iodine therapy to destroy the thyroid gland.
What is the prognosis for a simple goiter?
The prognosis for a simple goiter is generally good. Most goiters can be successfully treated with medication or surgery. However, in some cases, a goiter may recur after treatment.