Does gonorrhea and strep throat swab need to be refrigerated right away?
- Neisseria gonorrhoeae (GC) is a *Gram-negative* diplococcus bacteria that causes the sexually transmitted infection (STI) gonorrhea.
- Transport media: GC requires special transport media to maintain its viability for laboratory testing. Standard cotton swabs are not suitable for GC collection.
- Refrigeration: GC transport media must be refrigerated immediately and transported to the laboratory within 24 hours.
Strep Throat
- Streptococcus pyogenes (Group A Streptococcus or GAS) is a Gram-positive bacterium that causes various infections, including strep throat (pharyngitis) and scarlet fever.
- Transport media: Strep throat swabs can be collected using various swabs and placed in appropriate transport media.
- Refrigeration: While refrigeration of strep throat swabs is generally not necessary, some laboratories may prefer to refrigerate the swabs to maintain their viability during transport. However, most transport media can sustain the viability of GAS at room temperature for a reasonable period.
It's essential to follow the specific guidelines provided by the laboratory or healthcare provider for collecting, handling, and transporting both gonorrhea and strep throat swabs to ensure accurate laboratory testing results.