Gonorrhea & Scar Treatment
Lifestyle Factors
Gonorrhea is an avoidable disease that is most commonly transmitted due to risky behaviors that increase vulnerability to infection. For instance, if you have multiple sexual partners and do not use condoms your risk for contraction increases substantially, you increase your chances. If your partner has other sexual diseases, it increases the risk of contracting gonorrhea as well. Homosexual contact between men can heighten the risk too. Be sure to use condoms when sexually active to avoid contracting gonorrhea.
Gonorrhea Symptoms
Symptoms of gonorrhea include discharge that can be clear, white, yellow or green in color, and may have a foul odor. Itching and burning during urination also are common when infected with gonorrhea. Men may suffer from tender, swollen or red testicles. Oral gonorrhea may include symptoms such as a sore throat or reddened tonsils. Fever also is common if you are infected with gonorrhea. See a doctor immediately if you experience any of the above symptoms.
Gonorrhea Treatment
Gonorrhea is easily treated with either an injection of ceftriaxone or an oral dose of cefixime. Zithromax also is used to treat gonorrhea infection. Your doctor will likely test you for other sexually transmitted diseases that often occur along with gonorrhea, such as chlamydia. You will need to contact any sexual partners and warn them to get tested if you test positive for gonorrhea. More severe gonorrhea infections may require follow-up treatment over a period of time to treat successfully. Scarring may occur if gonorrhea is not treated immediately.
Gonorrhea Scarring
Scarring of the urethra in men and the fallopian tubes in women may develop if gonorrhea is allowed to continue without treatment for any length of time. Scarring of the urethra may be treatable using lasers and has shown some success in clinical trials. Women with scarring caused by gonorrhea often have problems with fertility due to scarring of the fallopian tubes. There are currently no treatments for scar tissue of the fallopian tubes caused by gonorrhea. The best method to avoid scars due to gonorrhea infection is to avoid risky behaviors that lead to the disease and to get treatment as early as possible.