What Does Demiromantic Mean?

Demiromantic: A person who only feels romantic attraction after developing a strong emotional bond with someone.

Demiromantics may experience sexual attraction without feeling romantic attraction, and they may be comfortable with casual sex or physical intimacy without necessarily desiring a romantic relationship. They may also identify as asexual, as they may not experience sexual attraction at all.

Demiromanticism is sometimes seen as a subset of asexuality, but it is not the same thing. Asexuality is a lack of sexual attraction, while demiromanticism is a lack of romantic attraction until a strong emotional bond has been formed.

Demiromantic people may find that they are attracted to people of any gender, or they may be attracted to people of a specific gender. They may also find that their romantic attraction is fluid, and that it changes over time.

There is no one right way to be demiromantic, and demiromantic people should feel free to express their identities in any way that feels authentic to them.

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