Homemade Remedy for Gout Relief
According to Gout Pal's website, cherries help to reduce inflammation and swelling associated with gout. Cherries are also loaded with vitamin C, which may diminish uric acid levels, the primary cause of gout, if used on a regular basis. A report titled "Cherry Diet Control for Gout and Arthritis" published in the Texas Reports on Biology and Medicine, Volume 8, Number 3, 1950, told of how a diet of about six cherries a day would cure gout. Subsequent studies demonstrated that both cherry juice and cherries are an effective homemade remedy for gout relief.
Black Beans
Black beans are an excellent source of fiber, protein, antioxidants and iron, all of which can reduce the pain and inflammation of gout. Fiber, in particular, aids in the removal of uric acid by taking in bile acids produced in the liver. These bile acids serve as a forerunner to uric acid. To put together a black bean broth, take 7 oz. of the beans, wash and put in a pot with 2 liters of water. Once they are boiling, turn down to a low simmer and let sit for 90 minutes. Strain the broth, throw the beans away and let the liquid cool. Drink half a liter of the broth daily, either to treat the gout or to prevent the onset.
Meadow Saffron
Meadow saffron is a very powerful herb that goes back centuries. This herb contains a compound called colchicine, which is quite an effective remedy for gout relief; however, it does have side effects. A typical dose is 0.6 mg to be taken orally every hour until symptoms subside. Stop taking this medicine immediately if you experience side effects. Expect to see an improvement by the 10th dose. Check with a homeopathic practitioner or your medical doctor for the precise dosage to take. Make note of any pain, diarrhea or sickness you feel, and stop taking the herb if they persist. Also stop treatment once the gout subsides. Without the gout to act on, meadow saffron can have serious affects on your body.
Ice is an effective homemade remedy for numbing pain and diminishing inflammation of the joints. A clinical trial was published in the February 2002 issue of the "Journal of Rheumatology" stated that applying an ice pack to gout for 10 minutes, and then a towel compress that is hot and moist, is very effective. The trial also found that the ice should not be applied for too long, as this increased the possibility of crystals of uric acid forming.
Proper Diet
According to the MayoClinic, people with gout should consume foods that are plentiful in complex carbohydrates, such as fruits, whole grains and vegetables. Some nutrient-dense food sources include tomatoes, bananas, celery, oranges, red bell peppers, pineapple, dairy products low in fat and essential fatty acids; for example, flaxseed, salmon and tuna. Drink plenty of water to help remove waste from the body. Cut down on gravy, red meats and foods high in sugar. Your goal is to get 50 percent of your calories from carbohydrates, but you should talk to a dietician first, to draw up a proper diet.