Homemade Gout Remedies
Laurel Extract
Ground up 5 to 6 g of laurel leaves. Add 1 1/2 cups of boiling water, and then boil the mixture in an open pot for about five minutes. Allow it to cool, and drink it slowly throughout the day. Do not try to drink it quickly or it could cause internal bleeding. Drink this mixture for three days and take a month off from drinking it in between. It should be taken at least once a year by chronic sufferers.
Rice Remedy
The rice remedy helps cleanse your joints, the major areas affected by gout. It also helps cleanse the blood and internal organs. Wild brown rice is best for this treatment. You will also need five glass jars. In the first jar, add 2 tbsp. of the rice and 1 L of cool, boiled water. Allow it to sit for 24 hours. After 24 hours, wash the rice in the jar with clean, cold water and then add another 1/2 L of cool, boiled water. Now put 2 tbsp. of rice into the second jar, along with 1/2 L of cooled, boiled water. Continue this process every day for five consecutive days until you have five jars with rice.
Take the rice on the sixth day from the first jar and make a hot cereal for your breakfast. Avoid eating or drinking after breakfast for three to four hours. Put 2 tbsp. of rice and another 1/2 L of cool, boiled water into the first jar so that you can continue the rice cereal treatment for 40 days.
Sunflower Root Extract
Crush 1 cup of sunflower roots. Add 3 L of boiling water and continue boiling the roots on medium heat for three minutes. Strain the mixture and allow it to cool, and then store it in the refrigerator. Drink the liquid slowly 30 minutes before all three meals or two hours following meals. It will help eliminate excess salt through your urine. Continue this treatment for two to three days at a time over one to two months.
Potato Water
Drinking a potato water solution helps detox joints and the stomach and ease inflammation caused by arthritis. Scrub two to three potatoes until they are clean and then boil them in a pot with the skin on. Remove the potatoes once done and allow the water to cool. Drink the potato water three times a day before meals for two weeks. Take a break from the treatment for two weeks and then start the treatment again.