Folk Remedy for Gout
A preliminary study conducted by the USDA's Agricultural Research Service on bing cherries found the fruit helped reduce gout inflammation. An article published in Medical News Today highlights a University of Michigan study reported at the 2009 Experimental Biology meeting in New Orleans, which detailed that participants increased antioxidant levels from eating a cup and half of frozen cherries.
According to Health 911, cherries contain the enzyme that "neutralizes uric acid." It also has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. You can manage joint inflammation by eating between six and eight fresh cherries daily. If you feel a gout attack coming on, Health 911 suggests eating between 20 and 30. Cherry extract and black cherry juice are effective alternatives when fresh cherries aren't available.
In addition cherries, the Mayo Clinic suggests adding other dark-colored fruits to your diet, such as blackberries, blueberries, purple grapes and raspberries.
Essential Fatty Acids
Essential fatty acids provide the omega-3 the body needs and it also help control inflammation. Eating omega-3 at least three times a week can help reduce inflammation causing joint pain. But while salmon and tuna are oily fish, the seafood contains properties and purines that can aggravate gout. Whether to eat certain seafood should be an individual decision determined by how your body reacts. Omega-3 foods you can eat include flaxseed, flaxseed oil, nuts and seeds. Health 911 says taking fish oil supplements can provide the daily fish oil you need. Take 2 gm of fish oil capsules twice daily.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar contains several elements that make it effective for treating gout. It has beta-carotene to fight free radicals; it prevents bacteria from spreading and forces uric acid to leave the body.
One simple apple cider vinegar remedy recipe involves taking 2 tsp. of apple cider vinegar and mixing it with raw honey in a glass of water. Drink the mixture with a meal.
For your feet, heat 3 cups of hot water and pour into a container sizable for your foot and add 1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar.