Holistic Gout Cure
Celery Seed
Celery seed has anti-inflammatory properties to reduce inflammation and ease joint pain associated with gout, as stated by the Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center. According to Mercy Medical Center, celery seed helps eliminate uric acid, which causes inflammation of the joints, from the body through increased urination.
Celery seeds come in the forms of fresh or dried seeds, tablets, capsules or extract. Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center recommends the following as uses for celery seed:
When using capsules or tablets you should take one to two capsules or tablets, three times a day.
If you take celery seed extract, do so with juice or water during meals. Just add 1/4 tsp. to 1/2 tsp. to your juice or water. Mix well and drink three times a day.
For tea, pour boiling water over 1 tsp. of freshly crushed seeds. Allow it to steep 10 to 20 minutes. Drink celery seed tea three times a day.
Herbs 2000 has a remedy that can help soak away gout in the feet or toes. You'll need a container that can hold your feet. Fill the container with warm water and add 15 drops of essential celery oil.
Charcoal poultice is suggested as an effective treatment for gout. Dr. Agatha Thrash, co-founder of Uchee Pines Institute in Alabama, recommends using charcoal poultice because of its natural ability to extract toxins from the body. Using charcoal in poultice form will help the body rid itself of excess uric acid toxins. According to Arthritis Pain Cure, you'll need a spoon, pan, blender, activated powdered charcoal, flaxseed, thick paper towel, hand towel, and safety pin. Grind the flaxseed into meal using a blender. Mix half a cup of activated powdered charcoal with 3 tbsp. of ground flaxseed and slowly add water as you mix.
Create a moist paste without clumps and dripping.Apply some of the paste to a folded paper towel and place another folded paper towel over the towel with paste. You want enough paste to apply to the inflamed joint. Place it over the area you want to treat. Cover it using a hand towel and secure it with a safety pin.
Leave the charcoal poultice on during the day for two to four hours or leave it on overnight. It can be replaced every six to 10 hours. Charcoal poultice will stain, so protect your clothing and bedding.