Natural Remedy for Gout Pain
What is gout?
The body's inability to break down the build up of uric acid deposits causes gout. Gout in joints causes painful arthritis.
Lifestyle can contribute to gout. If you are obese, have high blood pressure and drink large amounts of alcohol, you increase your chances of getting gout. However, certain kidney dysfunction and drugs can also contribute to getting gout.
Concentrated pain, stiffness and swelling are the symptoms of gout. The big toe is the most common area attacked by gout, but other areas can be affected, including the fingers, knees and ankles.
Foods & Drinks to Avoid
Avoid purine, a chemical component found in certain meats and seafood, as this chemical can cause an increase in uric acid. Examples of these types of foods are shellfish and the organ meats such as liver, brains and kidneys.
Avoid asparagus, green peas, mushrooms, and spinach as these vegetables may increase uric acid.
Alcohol accelerates gout because it slows down the kidneys' filtering system, allowing the buildup of uric acid.
Foods & Drinks for Relief
Water intake can flush the body of uric-acid buildup and should be a regular part of your daily diet. Dairy intake may also reduce the buildup of uric acid.
Fruits and vegetable will help reduce uric acid and contribute to weight loss, which will decrease obesity.
Weight Loss
Loss weight at a slow and steady pace. A rapid weight loss can increase the uric acid in the body. Daily exercise for 30 minutes will help in weight loss and the reduction of uric acid.