How to Reduce Uric Acid In Your Body
Avoid of eliminate salt from your diet to help control your gout. Gout is brought on by high levels of uric acid in your system. Uric acid can be caused naturally or can be created by purines. Purines come from certain foods that you eat. If you avoid or eliminate foods from your diet that are high in purines, you will reduce your level of uric acid and hopefully control your gout naturally, without taking any medications.
Avoid of eliminate foods high in sweeteners such as fructose. Do not eat foods high in fructose such as jellies, jams, pies and other foods with fructose or high fructose corn syrup listed on the label.
Foods high in fructose have high levels of purines which convert to uric acid and trigger gout symptoms. Control or cure your gout by reducing the amount of uric acid in your system.
Avoid or eliminate foods from animal organs. Organs from animals such as cows, pigs, chickens, and turkeys contain high levels of purines which turn to uric acid and aggravate gout symptoms.
Foods such as kidneys, brains, blood, and heart are all considered animal organs.
Gout is a painful form of arthritis found in the food. Gout symptoms can normally be controlled or cured by reducing levels of uric acid in the body.
Avoid or eliminate certain vegetables such as cauliflower, mushrooms and spinach. By eliminating foods high in purines, you can help control your uric acid levels naturally and reduce or eliminate your gout symptoms.
Arthritis can be very painful and debilitating when it is in your feet.
Avoid or eliminate beans and lentils from your diet if you have gout or are prone to getting gout. Gout symptoms include pain in the toes and feet.
Knowing how to reduce uric acid in your body will help you to control your gout symptoms.
Avoid or eliminate certain seafood such as scallops, mackerel and sardines if you are trying to control your gout with diet. Seafood can irritate your gout symptoms or cause a flare up. Control your gout by controlling your uric acid levels and your purine intake.
Relieve your gout today by eliminating foods from your diet that trigger gout symptoms.