Juices That Reduce Uric Acid
Some juices may help reduce the chance of gout or kidney stones by diminishing the amount of uric acid in your system.
Cherry juice can help reduce uric acid
Cherry Juice
The health benefits of cherry juice are still being researched, but there is good evidence that certain compounds found in cherry juice called anthocyanins, help to lower the levels of uric acid in your body.
In addition to using cherry juice for uric acid, it seems to be valuable in other healthy ways. According to New Hope.com, cherry and other juices that contain anthocyanins also have the ability to protect both small and large blood vessels from damage related to diabetes, and also vision impairment related to diabetes. The anti-inflammatory effect of anthocyanins contained in cherry juice also lessens allergic reactions, according to newhope.com.
Orange Juice
Along with the anti-inflammatory benefits of cherry juice, orange juice has been shown to have a reducing influence on uric acid, lowering the risk of both gout attacks and kidney stones, according to Health and Age.com and the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology.
While orange and other citrus fruits are acidic in taste, they leave alkaline residue in the body, which counteracts uric and other acids, and the abundance of vitamin C provided by citrus juices helps to regulate uric acid levels in the blood.
How Much Juice Should You Drink?
While there are no hard and fast guidelines about how much juice you should drink to reduce uric acids, two to three servings per day is generally accepted as being right for helping to prevent gout or kidney stone attacks.
Other Foods to Reduce Uric Acid
Aside from drinking cherry juice and citrus juices, there are other foods you can consume that will help to reduce your levels of uric acid. These include low fat dairy products such as cheese, yogurt and milk. Also, drink plenty of water to keep your system flushed out and functioning properly, and eat fruits and vegetables such as blueberries, strawberries, bananas, cherries, tomatoes, cabbage, celery and green leafy vegetables.
Foods and Drinks to Avoid
Foods that are high in purines should be avoided so that you can keep your uric acid levels down. These foods include organ meats, foods made with yeast such as breads and beer, alcohol, seafood such as anchovies, sardines, salmon and mackerel; beef, pork, lamb and bacon. Eat mushrooms, legumes, cauliflower and poultry in moderation.