How to Cook for a Gout Sufferer
Limit foods that are high in purine when cooking for a gout sufferer. Purine is a protein that becomes uric acid and is normally passed out of the body in urine. In people with gout, the uric acid builds up in the body and accumulates in the joints.When you first look at a list of purine-containing foods, you might think a gout sufferer can't eat anything since most foods contain some amount of purine. The goal is to limit purine in the diet, not eliminate it altogether.
Keep a list of high-purine foods in the kitchen to remind you when planning meals, and avoid cooking with those foods. Foods very high in purine include fish like mackerel, herring, and preserved anchovies and sardines. Organ meats like kidneys and liver should be avoided, as well as game poultry like goose and duck. Gravy, broth, and consommé also have high concentrations of purine.
Prepare meals with medium purine foods in moderation. Meat, poultry, and fish all contain medium concentrations. Legumes like beans, peas, and lentils can raise purine levels, as well as vegetables like asparagus, spinach and cauliflower. Gout sufferers should also eat oats, bran, and whole grains in moderation.
Cook with low-purine foods as much as possible. Eggs are high in protein but relatively low in purine. Fruits and vegetables other than those listed in Step 4 are fine, as well as breads and pastas made with white flour or refined grains. Dairy products like milk, cheese, and pudding do not significantly raise uric acid in the blood, and creamy soups that are not made with animal broth are a safe alternative to bouillon-based soups.
Remember that obese people are more likely to suffer from gout, and that gout causes an increased risk of heart disease. Although sugar and oils will not affect gout on their own, they should be limited for people trying to lose weight. Low-fat and fat-free cheese are better options. Nuts and peanut butter are low in purine and high in protein, but they should be eaten in limited amounts because of their high fat content.
Make sure the gout sufferer has plenty of water and fruit juice to drink. People with gout should drink 10 to 12 8 oz. cups of liquid per day to help the body pass uric acid. Milk can also help fulfill this liquid requirement, but skim milk is a better choice for someone dieting, and it should be limited to 24 oz. a day. Avoid beer because its purine content is quite high, and excessive consumption of other alcoholic beverages can lead to a gout attack.