Diet During an Acute Gout Attack

Gout, a form of arthritis, affects joints of big toes, knees and ankles. The condition develops because joints have excessive amounts of uric acid, the chemical created when purines break down. The U.S. National Library of Medicine says uric acid dissolves in the blood, goes to the kidneys and leaves in urine. Uric acid buildup causes acute gout attacks; symptoms include throbbing pain, tenderness and redness. Your diet during an acute gout attack can relieve the symptoms.
  1. Avoid Purines

    • Avoid foods containing high amounts of purines. The World's Healthiest Foods website says purines are natural substances in our cells and in foods. They hold the genetic material for plants and animals. Foods high in purines include many items that are considered healthy. The U.S. National Library of Medicine says some of these foods are anchovies, sardines, oils, herring, organ meats and sweetbreads, dried beans and peas, gravy, mushrooms, spinach, asparagus, cauliflower, and baking or brewer's yeast. Other foods include broth, caviar, goose, lamb, wild game, scallops, shrimp, mackerel and meat extracts. Eating these foods increases the amount of uric acid in the body, making your acute gout attack worse.

    Eat Healthy

    • Choose a variety of healthy foods to eat during an acute gout attack. Healthwise website says to eat lots of fruits and vegetables and eggs, nuts and seeds for protein. Choose 2 or 3 oz. of lean protein like chicken or fish a day.

      Eat as many cherries as you want. Gout Diet Tips website says eating 250 grams of fresh or canned cherries a day decreases the amount of uric acid in your body because of the quercetin and bromelain. Quercetin suppresses histamine production, the immune response that can cause inflammation. Bromelain helps the body absorb quercetin and break up uric acid crystals. Blueberries and dark and dark-red cherries provide the same benefits.

    Consume Low-Fat Dairy

    • Consume low-fat dairy products like low-fat or skim milk and yogurt. Dairy decreases occurrences of acute gout. A 12-year study published in The New England Journal of Medicine found that men who increased the amount of dairy they consumed had fewer gout flare-ups.

    Stay Hydrated

    • Drink lots of water. Fluids flush uric acid out of the body. Dr. April Chang-Miller, a Mayo Clinic rheumatologist, says to avoid or limit alcohol consumption because they increase the risk of hyperuricemia, a condition that interferes with uric acid removal. Sweetened soft drinks increase gout risks. Aim for at least eight glasses of water a day.

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