How to Reduce Uric Acid Today
Reduce or eliminate your salt intake. You can by salt alternatives that are made from potassium. Not only will they help you reduce your salt intake, but they will increase your potassium and they taste great.
Look below in the Resources section if you need more information on how to reduce uric acid in your system.
Reduce sweets in your diet. You should also eliminate fructose and high fructose corn syrup from your diet. Both can irritate your gout symptoms and help you to gain weight. Too much weight is unhealthy and can also irritate your gout symptoms.
Knowing how to reduce uric acid today will help you to keep your gout symptoms under control.
Animal Organs
Eliminate animal organs from your diet. Animal organs from animals such as cows, pigs, chickens and turkeys are high in uric acid. Avoid organs such as heart, kidney, liver and brain.
Animal organs are extremely high in purines which turn into uric acid. The levels are so high that gout sufferers should avoid animal organs all together.
Reduce the amount of shellfish and seafood that you consume if you are prone to gout.
Avoid certain beans such as lima beans and black eyed peas. Beans can also trigger gout due to their high levels of uric acid.
Because gout is a form of arthritis it can be very painful and crippling. During episodes of gout, most individuals cannot walk.
Eliminate or reduce vegetables such as spinach, asparagus, and cauliflower out of your diet. These vegetables increase your purines which produce uric acid. Your uric acid level will rise and if you are prone to getting gout, you could have a painful episode of gout.
If you want more information on how to reduce uric acid fast, please look below in the Resources section.