Foods Low in Uric Acid
Meats and Proteins
Eggs are low in uric acid, provided that you limit your intake to three or four per week. Low- or nonfat cheeses are also acceptable. Finally, nuts and peanut butter are low-purine foods. Unfortunately, they are not low-fat foods, so if that is also a concern, nuts should be limited. For an all-natural protein source or meat alternative, consider tofu. Tofu is actually made from soybeans and is part of the legume family. You will get the benefit of protein without the detriment of increased uric acid.
Milk is a low-purine food provided that you choose the skim or 1 percent varieties. The same holds true for ice cream and cream-based soups. Definitely look for low-fat content on the labels. A good rule of thumb would be no greater than 30 percent of your calories in fat.
Breads, Rice and Carbohydrates
To limit your uric-acid ingestion, be mindful of the types of fiber intake in this category. The American Medical Association recommends dietary guidelines for people with gout that include foods high in complex carbohydrates (fiber-rich whole grains, fruits and vegetables). In addition, breads and cereal need to be high in fiber. In this group, beneficial foods include those made with wheat flour, brown rice, and other grains and flours or flours that are not enriched (in other words, not processed or refined).
Vegetables and Fruits
All natural fruits and vegetables contain fiber. Fiber plays a great part in the digestion process. This clears the path for the absorption of healthy nutrients while helping flush out uric acid. Fresh fruits to consume regularly include, but are not limited to, cherries, bananas, apples, limes and oranges.
Alcohol consumption in moderation is always preferable, but it is especially important when considering uric-acid levels. Alcohol not only increases the level of uric acid but also might impair judgment in choosing other low-purine foods and beverages as well.
Drinking at least 2 to 3 liters of fluid per day, such as water and fresh juices, is beneficial to helping the body cleanse itself of the uric acid that leads to harmful inflammatory conditions, such as gout.