Juicing Remedies for Gout
Drink More Fluids
Limit your alcohol consumption, particularly beer. However, you should increase your overall fluid intake as much as you can. The more you drink, the more you will urinate and the more uric acid you will eliminate, even if it is only a little bit each time.
Cherry Juice
Cherries are a time-tested way to help you avoid getting a gout attack. They help lower uric acid levels because they are rich in antioxidants. Cherries also provide valuable vitamins and minerals to help you maintain good health.
Lemon and Lime Juice
Lemon and lime juice stimulates the formation of calcium carbonate in the body. Calcium carbonate neutralizes acids in the body, including uric acid that triggers gout attacks. After each meal, squeeze the juice from a lemon or lime and drink it in a glass of lukewarm water.
Honey and Apple Cider Vinegar
Many people consider honey one of the best home remedies for gout. Mix 3 to 4 tsp. of honey with an equal amount of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water. Drink it three to four times a day.
Vegetable Juice
Raw vegetable juices are used for gout treatment. Carrot juice, in combination with the juices of beet and cucumber, works well. Beet juice--100 ml and cucumber juice--100 ml should be mixed with 300 ml of carrot juice to make 500 ml of combined juice and taken daily. Extracting a ½ cup of juice from string beans and drinking it daily is also a good preventative. The vegetables also provide a variety of vitamins and minerals.
Celery Seed Juice
Celery seeds help eliminate uric acid from the body and have more than a dozen anti-inflammatory ingredients in them. Cook 1 tbsp. of celery seeds in 2 cups of water until they are soft. Strain the seeds out and drink a ½ cup of the remaining water four times a day.