Fast Cure for Gout
Zyloprim is used for treating people who have frequent attacks of gout. This drug blocks the production of uric acid. Generally, it takes 2 to 3 days before the uric acid levels begin to drop. Colchicine is used along with this drug to prevent gout flare-ups. This drug is only used when gout symptoms are acute, such as swelling, redness and intense pain. Pain subsides after 12 to 24 hours of using this drug. To keep from having more flare-ups, people take this drug 3 to 4 times a week. Cortisone injections offer the fastest relief for gout sufferers. This anti-inflammatory medicine must be administered by a doctor. Many times people have their joint fluid removed followed by a cortisone injection. Other than the pain from the injection, there are few side effects to worry about.
Neutralize uric acid by incorporating lots of fruit in your diet. As soon as you begin to feel an attack of gout, eat only raw vegetables and fruits for a week. Cherries, blueberries and strawberries work very well. Avoid eating a diet full of purines, which produce uric acid formation. Foods containing purines are shellfish, mushrooms, mussels, sardines, peanuts, mincemeat, asparagus, meat gravies and meat. Refrain from eating fried foods, white flour, caffeine, oatmeal, eggs and roasted nuts. Do not go on any diet that can produce uric acid such as the ones that exclude carbohydrates. For natural relief from your gout, try Bee Venom Balm. Bee venom is popular for acting as an anti-inflammatory and immune system stimulant. The most important thing to do for mild gout flare-ups is to not only quickly change your diet, but keep a long-term plan for reducing the frequency of gout flare-ups by carefully planning meals.
Take essential fatty acids to repair your tissues and restore the fatty acid balance that is caused by an excessive amount of saturated fat. Improve your digestion of protein with proteolytic enzymes. Be sure to take these capsules with your meals. Vitamin B is a great source for restoring bodily enzyme systems. Lower your serum uric acid levels with vitamin C and A. Make a lifestyle change by reducing your stress. Take frequent walks and focus on losing extra pounds in a healthy way. Drink lots of fluid to excrete uric acid. Refrain from drinking alcohol, which will increase the production of uric acid. Take the best steps to curing your gout quickly and having fewer flare-ups.