Natural Treatments for Gout
Gout attacks can be sudden. It's best to start treatment immediately at the onset of symptoms. Common indicators include joints that become swollen, tender, and warm to the touch. Severe pain in the big toe is a common gout symptom. The pain may accompany fever and chills in some people. Attacks can usually last anywhere from a few hours to a few days. In very rare cases a gout attack can last for weeks.
Bananas are an integral part in the treatment of gout. Sufferers can consume eight or nine bananas daily until symptoms subside.
Sweet or sour cherries are effective in the treatment of gout. At the onset of symptoms, you should consume 25 cherries daily, then reduce the amount to 10 as symptoms subside. Fresh cherries are the best option for this treatment.
The following raw vegetable juice mixture is also beneficial. Mix 300 ml of carrot juice with 100 ml of cucumber and beet juice. This mixture should be consumed daily to help with symptoms. Drinking 150 ml of french or string bean juice daily is also effective.
Apples contain malic, which helps neutralize uric acid and provide relief to sufferers of gout. Eating one apple after each meal is recommended.
Lime is also a solvent of uric acid, and it's full of vitamin C helps which soothes sore joints. The juice from half a lime should be squeezed into a glass of water and drunk twice a day.
Be sure to eat fresh unprocessed foods. Include plenty of whole grains, nuts, beans, and cold water fish (salmon, tuna) as part of your daily diet. Also drink plenty of water, at least 50 percent of your body weight in ounces (for example, a 150-pound person = 75 ounces of water).