How to Avoid Foods High in Uric Acid

If you have gout or a tendency to get gout, you need to know how to avoid foods high in uric acid. Gout is a form of arthritis that is caused or exacerbated by uric acid. Uric acid can be found naturally in foods. It is easy to avoid foods high in uric acid if you need to do so.


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      AVOID PURINES - Avoid foods high in purines. Uric acid is found in high purine foods. Meat products such as internal organs, liver, kidneys, heart and other parts of animals are high in purines and therefore high in uric acid. It is very easy to avoid eating these parts of animals. There is also some purines (although not high levels) in other meat products and some vegetables and beans such as chicken, beef, pork, seafood, fish, beans, oatmeal, wheat germ, asparagus, peas, mushrooms and spinach. Avoid these foods if you need to keep your uric acid levels low. These foods are not the only things that can keep your uric acid levels high. Some people naturally have higher uric acid levels.

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      SEA SALT - Avoid using sea salt. Sea salt is another food product that can increase uric acid levels. Sea salt use should be kept to a minimum by all individuals because sea salt does not need to be ingested regularly. If you like to use sea salt, alternate its use with regular iodized salt. Iodine is an essential mineral that everyone needs and it is added to regular salt. If you need to watch your uric acid levels, do not use sea salt at all. Watch your labels and make sure that sea salt is not an ingredient in the foods that you eat, especially nuts and seeds.

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      OTHER FOODS - Avoid foods such as sugary sweet breads, high fructose corn syrup and sucrose. High fructose foods can also cause problems with individuals who have gout or a tendency to get gout. Watch your diet and avoid many of the problems associated with gout. High purines, high uric acid and high fructose foods work together to cause gout. See your doctor regularly if you have gout or if you have a tendency to get gout. Your doctor can help you to avoid the gout.

      Moderate intake of purines and uric acid is not associated with gout. It is acceptable to have moderate levels of uric acid. Avoid foods high in uric acid levels if you have gout or have a tendency to get gout.

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