Diet to Reduce Uric Acid in Blood
Meat, Fish and Carbohydrates
The University of Pittsburgh Medical Center provides dietary guidelines for a low purine diet, which markedly limits intake of meat to no more than 2 to 3 oz. per meal to a total 6 oz. per day. Eggs, peanut butter, Brewer's yeast and all meat, including fish, shellfish, poultry and especially organ meats, are high in purines as are dried peas and beans, which you should limit to two servings a week.
However, carbohydrates help you to excrete uric acid, so you should have three servings of vegetables daily, but should limit high purine vegetables--mushrooms, cauliflower and spinach---to twice weekly. Almost all fruits and juices are low in purine, so you should have two to four servings daily. Pasta, flour, breads, cereal and rice are all high in carbohydrates, and you should have six to 11 servings daily but avoid whole grain (bran and wheat germ) breads because they are higher in purines.
Fat in your diet causes your kidneys to retain uric acid, so you should maintain a low fat diet. This is especially important because obesity increases risk of increased uric acid. You should survey your entire diet to eliminate high fat foods, such as fatty meats, whole milk, butter, ice cream, gravies, dressings, fried foods, French toast and avocados. However, calcium is important in your diet, so you should have two servings of low fat milk products daily. You should limit oil and dressings, such as mayonnaise and butter, to 3 tsp. daily, substituting condiments (herbs and spices) to increase flavor. You must also avoid hidden fats in desserts, such as cookies, cakes and pies. You can substitute angel food cake, gelatin desserts, fruits and low fat yogurts or ice milk.
Alcohol and Fluids
Alcohol increases production of uric acid, so you should sharply limit or avoid alcoholic beverages, but other fluids are very important because high levels of uric acid can cause kidney stones. You should drink at least 8 to 12 cups of liquids daily, including ample water, low fat vegetable broth, carbonated sodas, fruit juice, low or nonfat milk and coffee and tea. This increases urinary output and helps prevent formation of kidney stones by essentially flushing the kidneys with fluid.