How to Reduce Purines
Avoid animal proteins. All forms of meats and their parts are moderate to high in purines and they should be avoided to lower your levels. Some examples of these are beef, bacon, pork, turkey and chicken along with the brains, livers, hearts and kidneys of those animals. Also avoid foods that derive from meats, such as gravy.
Cut out fish. There are some people who claim that fish is meat and there are others who don't. If your purine levels are high, it really doesn't matter what you categorize it as, it should be avoided. Some specific examples are sardines, anchovies, snapper, tuna, trout, halibut and carp. Various shellfish such as crab and lobster should also be avoided.
Cut out yeast. Yeast is another substance that has a high purine content. Avoid foods such as bread, bagels, cereals and any baked goods that use yeast to rise. Beer and wine should also be avoided as they are made from fermented yeast.
Avoid certain vegetables. Under normal circumstances, vegetables are a very healthy eating choice. But there are some vegetables that are moderately high in purines, including mushrooms, asparagus, cauliflower, spinach and peas.
Increase your intake of water. Water helps hydrate the body, it lubricates the joints, it aids in digestion and it helps the body metabolize fat. But one other thing it does is flush toxins from the system. This is where it can be beneficial to purine levels. The Institute of Medicine recommends that men consume 3 liters a day and women consume 2.2 liters a day.