What Is Gout in the Foot?
Gout occurs when there is inflammation in the tissues and fluid that helps cushion joints. Small, sharp crystals made up of uric acid cause this inflammation.
Gout attacks usually begin with redness, swelling and pain in the large joint of the big toe. From there, other joints may swell and become painful.
In the United States alone, over five million people have gout. It is an inflammatory arthritis and the most common form of this type of disease in males over the age of 40.
Diet plays an important factor in some cases of gout. Many times, reducing high-purine foods will lower the amount of uric acid that forms the crystals in gout. These high-purine foods include beef, pork, lamb and products containing these meats, alcohol and seafood.
Gout is a serious medical condition that requires attention from a medical doctor. In order to control gout, a doctor can run blood work and other tests rule out serious medical conditions, such as kidney problems, that can cause gout.