Uricinex Side Effects
Supplements like Uricinex are available to anyone and don't require a prescription (see Resources below). Some people have the misconception that if a product is being marketed and made available to the general public, it's okay for them to take. That may be convenient, but it can also be potentially harmful; not everybody can tolerate the same things. When a doctor or other healthcare practitioner suggests a supplement for a patient, she's doing it with an understanding of that individual's particular medical history and preexisting conditions. For example, one of the ingredients in Uricinex can counter the effectiveness of a medication the patient is already taking or even aggravate symptoms of an existing condition.
The precise side effects of Uricinex are rather vague for a number of reasons as it does not have to go through the extensive testings that prescription medicines do. In fact, one of the only side effects reported is an upset stomach, which was found in a small number of users. Uricinex is made by the company Micronutra, who conducted an independent clinical study on the product. The study was only for 30 days and less than 40 people were participants. Although the results were positive and addressed the effectiveness of the product, it was in no way comprehensive. The fact that the study was conducted by Micronutra themselves can also imply a bias.
Long term affects or risks associated with Uricinex have not been examined. There is no substantial scientific research that backs Uricinex' claims. It's also worth noting that Uricinex was first available online from Smith & Smith Enterprises in 1998 and was soon after trademarked by Network Solutions, LLC. From the time that happened, the original Uricinex supplement has undergone a number of changes in terms of formulation, mixture and even the product's name.
There are many replications of Uricinex available, so it's crucial to identify the company from whom you are purchasing the product. A number of the companies that sell the product online may be counterfeit and misleading, adding different and bogus ingredients to the supplement.
Some of the ingredients in Uricinex include: milk thistle, artichoke and yucca extract. Just because the pill is made from natural herbs and nutrients, which alone may not produce side effects or adverse reactions, does not mean that reactions can't happen. Prior to taking any dietary pill or supplement, consult with your doctor.