How to Find Foods Low in Purines
Learn about the amount of purines adults consume. The average adult diet has 600 to 1000 milligrams of purines daily. Dietitians recommend people with gout reduce their purine intake to 100 to 150 milligrams a day. Understand that you can alleviate painful gout symptoms if you follow a low purine diet.
Limit the amount of high purine food intake. Examples of these foods include anchovies, brains, kidneys, liver, sardines, scallops, sweetbread and hearts. Medium purine foods include asparagus, mushrooms, spinach, beef, lamb, oatmeal, wheat germ and whole grain bread. Foods that are low in purine levels are vegetables, nuts, low fat cheese, breads, coffee, tea and chocolate.
Carry a list that reminds you which foods are high in purines. Tell family and friends that you're eating a low purine diet.
Ask a dietitian or nutritionist for help with a diet plan. Contact the American Dietetic Association for more information on locating a dietitian. This is the largest organization of food professionals.