How to FInd Relief From Gout
Things You'll Need
- ice
- Herbs
- compresses
Hydration is important therefore drink large quantities of water throughout the day. The fluid will help to flush out the uric acid, Drink at least 6-8 glasses of water a day. This will also prevent the formation of kidney stones.
Take an anti-inflammatory for the attacks since it is the inflammation that is usually causing the extreme pain. Ibuprofen works but follow the instructions on the label.
To help reduce the painful swelling use a cold compress or ice pack on the area affected. Crush ice into some pieces and wrap in a towel and place directly onto the swollen joint. Keep it on for about 5 minutes.
The diet is important to address when you suffer from gout. Avoid eating certain foods that contain high substances that will be converted into uric acid by the body, ie, purines. Foods with high concentration of purines are animal protein, meats, heart, kidney, mussels, liver.
There are certain types of food products that may contribute to gout episodes, for example, shellfish, cauliflower, lentils, oatmeal, whole grain containing foods. It is best to limit the intake of these foods.
A person who suffers from gout is typically middle-age and overweight. Losing weight and keeping a healthy nutritious diet is very important to control the gout attacks. It is also recommended to keep a regular exercise regimen.
DON'T drink alcohol especially beer. Alcohol increases the production of uric acid and prevents its excretion form the body. Beer in particular should be avoided because it contains higher levels of purine compared to the other alcoholic beverages and would make the gout attacks more severe and more often.
Certain drugs and medical conditions causes the increase production of uric acid in the body, for example, diuretics, cyclosporin, Lesch-Nyhan syndrome, malignancies. It is better to try and lower your high blood pressure naturally if you have a history or suffering from gouty attacks. Try to decrease the sodium intake, exercising and losing weight are good ways to decrease the blood pressure without having to take blood pressure lowering medications. Always consult with your medical doctor before starting or stopping any prescription drug or adding herbs or alternative medication to treating your medical condition.
For treatment of the gout attacks the medical doctor will prescribe certain drugs to decrease the production of uric acid or to increase the excretion of uric acid. For acute attacks usually NSAIDS or corticosteroids are prescribed like prednisone. For maintenance therapy drugs like colchicines, allopurinol, or probenecid are the common medications given to gout sufferers.
Try to avoid injuries to the joints like the big toe since gout attacks occurs more commonly at injured or traumatize joints. Don't wear tight shoes or tight clothes in case of a gout attack.