How to Reduce Gout Pain
Things You'll Need
- Ice bag
Exercise daily to reduce gout pain. As with any condition, it is important to exercise on a regular basis. Be sure to exercise the joints around the foot and the big toe, where most attacks occur. This keeps all the fluids moving, making it harder for the uric acid to set up camp and start building crystals.
Seek medical attention during an attack of gout. Your doctor can help reduce the pain you experience. This can be done through medication or draining the area where extra fluid is sitting in the affected joint. Only a doctor or other medical professional such as a physician's assistant is able to do this, so contact one for an appointment as soon as possible.
Drink plenty of water every day. Consuming at least eight glasses of water each day will rid the body of uric acid in the blood stream. In addition to increasing water intake, all alcohol should be eliminated from the diet, especially during an attack of gout. Alcohol, especially wine and beer, keeps the kidneys from being able to filter out uric acid, which can cause an attack. By stopping all alcohol consumption during an attack of gout, uric acid will have an easier time being flushed by the system.
Lower your blood pressure. People with high blood pressure increase the risk of raising gout symptoms affecting them. Those same people who have high blood pressure during an attack of gout will run the risk of it returning for another painful experience down the line.
Try home remedies for gout. There are several things that can be done during an attack to decrease the pain. Icing the area--alternated every 10 minutes with a warm compress--can relieve the pain and swelling of an attack.
Wrap the affected area in a loose, dry towel. This may help reduce pain and help you sleep through the night. Be sure the towel is not tight, or it will cause more pain than relief.