Natural Causes & Remedies for Gout
Lifestyle and Heredity
While the causes of gout are not completely understood, several potential causes have been identified. The overuse of alcohol may contribute to gout. According to the Mayo Clinic, drinking more than two drinks a day for men and more than one a day for women can increase the chances of gout symptoms. Some foods like anchovies, herring, asparagus, mushroom and organ meats may lead to more uric acid accumulating in the body. Also, if anyone in your family has a history of gout, you may have the problem as well. Gout has been found to occur more often in those with a family history of the condition.
Conditions and Medications
Multiple conditions can add to the chances of having gout. Since the buildup of uric acid is associated with the kidneys, any kidney issue such as kidney disease or kidney stones may increase the possibility of gout. Those with gout also have a greater probability of kidney problems. According to Health 911, other conditions that can lead to gout are diabetes, high blood pressure and atherosclerosis. Some medications like thiazide diuretics, anti-rejection drugs and low-dose aspirin can increase uric acid levels and the chance of having gout.
Herbal Remedies
Many of the herbal remedies used for gout are also used for other types of arthritis. Bromelain, an extract from pineapple, can reduce the severity of a gout attack. Quercetin, a flavonoid found in fruits and vegetables, works well with bromelain to treat gout, according to Herbs 2000. Take 500 milligrams of bromelain every three hours during an attack, and take 500 milligrams of quercetin two times a day in between meals. Other effective herbs include flax seed, cat's claw and devil's claw. Vitamin C and cherry fruit extract can also be effective against gout.
Changes in Diet
Several lifestyle changes can result in fewer gout symptoms. First and foremost, a gout patient should drink eight to 16 cups of water a day, according to the Mayo Clinic. This can help dilute uric acid in the blood stream and improve the body's ability to remove the compound. Since obesity can be a factor in gout, keeping your weight under control can improve gout symptoms. However, do not use a crash diet to lose weight quickly because it may lead to a build up of uric acid. Keeping the daily intake of meat, fish and poultry to six ounces or less while increasing protein from sources like fat-free dairy, eggs and nut butters can relieve gout symptoms.