Is Soy Bad for Gout Sufferers?
Excess uric acid resulting from protein degradation that is not filtered by the kidneys is crystallized in the blood. These crystals are then deposited around joints resulting in the sharp arthritic pain associated with gout.
Increased levels of uric acid in the blood result from excess protein intake. However, different protein sources have a varying degree of impact on uric aid formation.
Sources of Soy
Soy is a type of protein found in legume vegetables such as soybeans. The University of Virginia's Health System website states that it can be found in many common food products such as breads, cereals, soups and fruit drinks.
Soy's Impact
According to a 12-year study published in the New England Journal of Medicine by Hyon et al., protein intake from vegetables such as soybeans did not result in an increase risk of gout development.
Soy Intake
Although soy does not appear to increase the risk of gout development, moderate consumption is still recommended by the Mayo Clinic to control and or prevent the condition.