Is Milk Good for Gout?
Individuals who consistently eat a diet heavy in purine-rich foods (such as meats, seafood and high-fat dairy products) run a higher risk of developing gout. Because of this, physicians have long treated gout with dietary recommendations, in addition to medication.
Gout Diet
To minimize the effects of gout, medical experts recommend adopting a low-fat diet, minimizing high-fat meats and desserts. They also suggest incorporating foods like berries that help the liver break down the uric acid created as the body processes these purine-rich foods.
New Studies
Several new studies indicate that a diet rich in low-fat dairy actually decreases the risk of developing gout. In addition, patients already suffering from gout noted improved symptoms when they added skim milk to their diets. The Health Professionals Follow-Up Study and a study completed by the American College of Rheumatology both determined that low-fat dairy products, unlike full-fat ones, actually reduce the uric acid in the body.
New Recommendations
Medical professionals still suggest reducing fatty meats and desserts to prevent the build-up of uric acid. Many health professionals also advocate incorporating skim milk and low-fat yogurt, as well as the berries and vegetables traditionally recommended.
Researchers believe the low-fat dairy products, and possibly soy milk as well, increase kidney function and the removal of uric acid from the body. By increasing the intake of these foods, you improve your body's ability to fight gout and its symptoms.