How to Prevent Cervical Cancer With Diet
Cervical cancer is a common type of cancer affecting women. This slow spreading cancer forms in the organ connecting the vagina and uterus called the cervix. This cancer usually does not present with symptoms until it has metastasized (spread), but can be discovered via a pap smear (microscopic examination of scraped cells from the cervix). However, you can prevent cervical cancer with a proper diet filled with natural herbs and foods.Instructions
Drink aloe vera juice. The aloe vera plant contains a high amount of vitamins and amino acids that aids your liver in preventing toxins from developing into carcinogens. Drink 3 cups of aloe vera juice every day, preferably 30 minutes before meals.
Eat plenty of avocados. Aside from balancing hormones, this common fruit contains potent phytochemicals that destroys precancerous cells by intensifying the functional oxygen in the cells without harming your normal cells. Eat one avocado every day.
Consume green tea capsules. Green tea contains the antioxidant catechin which deactivates plasmin, the substance responsible for creating pathways for blood-vessel tumors. The recommended dosage is 240 milligrams to be taken three times a day.
Take astragalus capsules. This herb increases production of the molecule interleukin-2 which aids your immune system in combating the cervical cancer causing microorganism called human papillomavirus (HPV). The recommended dosage is 1,000 milligrams to be taken three times a day.
Take turmeric (curcumin) tablets. This potent East Indian herb has potent compounds that activate tumor protein 53 (p53), a protein responsible for suppressing cancer cells and help prevent cervical cancer. Add turmeric to your main dishes every day.