Home Remedy for Uterine Fibroids
Symptoms/Side Effects
In a majority of cases, fibroids do not produce any pain or discomfort. However, some women experience pain at the beginning of their menstrual cycle or increased flow during it. Fibroids usually do not disrupt the menstrual cycle but as they increase in size they may cause increased urination, bladder displacement, urine retention and constipation. Fibroids can also cause miscarriage or infertility and pain during intercourse.
Standard Treatment
Smaller fibroids usually do not require any sort of medical intervention. However, they should be checked regularly. Large and actively growing fibroids that cause excessive bleeding are often treated with drugs or surgery. Drugs used to control this condition often have masculinizing effects like deepened voice and excessive facial hair. Fibroids are rarely malignant.
Beneficial Herbs
Black cohosh controls bleeding. Take 250-500 mg daily in tablet form.
Cinnamon oil controls fibroid bleeding. Take 5-10 drops every 15 minutes for up to 4 hours or until bleeding stops
Dan Shen: Treats dark clotted blood during menstruation and relieves pelvic congestion. This should only be used under the supervision of a trained healthcare professional.
Reishi stops pelvic inflammation. Take 1 tablespoon of tincture in ¼ cup water daily.
Herbs to Avoid
Women suffering from fibroids should refrain from using the following herbs: Cordyceps, fennel seed, licorice and peony.
Traditional Chinese Formulas
Augmented Rambling Powder: Lowers estrogen levels.
Cinnamon Twig and Poria Pill: Lowers estrogen levels.
Four Substance Decoction: Treats fibroids as well as endometriosis.
Eat a low fat diet becuse fat produces excess estrogen in the body.
Avoid birth control pills with high levels of estrogen.
Uterine bleeding is sometimes a symptom of many different conditions, including cancers of the cervix and uterus. Always let a doctor know if you experience this symptom.
Excessive stress and body weight increase the risk of fibroids. Make efforts to improve these factors.