Symptoms That Indicate You Are About to Start Your Period
Common symptoms of PMS
Headaches, backaches, breast tenderness, swelling and bloating are typical symptoms. Pain relievers will help with headaches and backaches. Vitamins E and B as well as calcium and magnesium supplements will help with breast tenderness, swelling and bloating. Decreasing salt intake will assist in swelling and bloating.
Other symptoms of PMS
Fatigue, nausea, constipation or diarrhea are also symptoms of PMS. Fatigue can be helped by an intake of vitamins E and B as well as daily exercise. Decreasing caffeine consumption and sugar intake can also help these symptoms. Over-the-counter medications are available to help constipatoin and diarrhea.
Related symptoms of PMS
Acne, cramps, increased appetite and difficulty concentrating are other related symptoms of PMS. In teens, acne is a common hormonal-related condition, and the onset of their period could make this condition worse. Visit a dermatologist if acne is severe. Alleviate cramps by increasing fluid intake, especially water, and decreasing salt intake. Focus on healthy foods if your appetite increases.
Emotional symptoms of PMS
Emotional disorders have been linked to PMS. Some of these are irritability, angry responses and mood swings. Improving your diet, increasing fluid intake and getting more exercise will help. Eat more carbohydrates such as bread, pasta or cereal during the day to increase stamina.
More emotional symptoms of PMS
Difficultly sleeping can be either emotional or physical and can also be attributed to PMS. Mood swings, crying spells, confusion and forgetfulness may also indicate you are about to begin your period. Herbal remedies and even a low dosage and temporary anti-depressant drug treatment may assist in relieving these symptoms by balancing the levels of serotonin, progesterone and estrogen, as well as other hormone changes that occur during this time.
Severe emotional symptoms of PMS
Depression, nervousness, anxiety, agitation and a decrease in sex drive are more severe emotional symptoms of PMS. Anti-depressants may be prescribed if any of these symptoms are severe. Try to identify the source of stress in your life. Psychotherapy (talk therapy) may help relieve stress.
Tips to assist with PMS symptoms
Mark your calendar the day you begin each period. By doing this, the following month you will know approximately when to expect symptoms to appear. Be aware of those symptoms that affect you, especially ones you struggle with. Talk to friends, family and your physician about your symptoms. Sharing your experience may benefit you.