What Are the Benefits of Premarin?
Hot Flashes
After gaining approval from a physician to use Premarin, a hormone replacement therapy, you may experience a decrease in occurrence or intensity of hot flashes within 1 to 3 weeks. The drug is intended for use by women who have had a hysterectomy. Continued use of Premarin is expected to cause increased improvement with the relief of hot flashes.
Vaginal Symptoms
Wyeth Pharmaceuticals states that Premarin's vaginal cream is the first vaginal estrogen treatment made to relieve moderate to severe vagina itching, burning or dryness. A small application of the cream can help to reduce or eliminate physical discomfort experienced by menopausal women during intercourse. With prolonged usage, the cream can reverse vaginal changes associated with menopause. It can take up to 3 weeks for the benefits to begin to be realized.
As a woman ages--and especially after she begins to experience menopause--the amount of estrogen produced by the body may diminish. This can cause increased bone loss. The estrogen in Premarin can help to lower a woman's chances of getting osteoporosis. Premarin's estrogen can also help to increase a woman's bone mineral density in the spine and hip areas. Even if women aren't experiencing other menopausal-related health conditions such as hot flashes and vaginal dryness, they can benefit from using Premarin to help prevent osteoporosis.
Side Effects
It's important you check with your physician before using Premarin. Side effects associated with the drug include headaches, stomach pain and vaginitis or inflammation of the vagina. Women who experience vaginal bleeding, who have had cancer, a heart attack, blood clots or a stroke should not use the drug. It could cause further complications.
Premarin comes in five dosage strengths. To lower the chances of experiencing unwanted side effects with Premarin, use the smallest doses of the drug with each application. Estrogen medications can also increase a woman's chances of developing uterine cancer. Tell your doctor if you experience vaginal bleeding, chest pain or severe headaches. As soon as your symptoms begin to decrease significantly, check with your physician about stopping the usage of Premarin.