Symptoms of a Human Papillomavirus Infection
No Symptoms
One thing that complicates the detection of HPV is the fact that many people don't suffer from any symptoms at all. In fact, they might never know they have it and never develop any negative effects from it. So receiving regular health screenings can help you determine whether you have HPV and if any course of treatment is required.
Genital Warts
Some people with HPV will notice that they develop bumps on their genitals. These are genital warts and they typically appear in clusters of small bumps. They can appear just about anywhere on or around the genitals including in the vagina or on the vulva, cervix, penis, scrotum, anus and thighs. These warts can appear as single bumps or as flat red spots. They might be big or small, and they can appear a few weeks following exposure to HPV or even months later. It just depends on the person and their individual case.
Cervical Cancer
While cervical cancer is often a result of HPV, it is hard to notice its symptoms until the disease has progressed to more advanced stages. Some of these symptoms include bleeding, pain in the pelvis and bleeding following sex. But sometimes, it doesn't show any symptoms at all. Regular health screenings, such as Pap smears, are vitally important to your overall well-being.
Vaginal or Penile Cancers
HPV can cause other types of cancers as well, including those of all parts of the genitals including cancers of the vagina, vulva, penis and anus. Surprisingly, even these cancers might not have symptoms until they've progressed to later stages. However, abnormal growths, lumps, skin discoloration or redness might be symptoms and should be checked out by your doctor right away.
Abnormal Pap Smear
In women who do not show signs of HPV, their only detector might be an abnormal Pap smear, which would show the presence of the virus. While not technically a symptom, it qualifies in this case because you're dealing with a condition that can be without symptoms until more severe effects develop.