What Is a Normal FSH Level for Women?
Varying levels:
FSH levels vary during different times of the woman's menstrual cycle.
Peak Level:
The peak of the FSH level is when ovulation is about to take place.
Basal Level:
The best time to measure the level of optimal FSH in the body is on the third day of the menstrual cycle.
Normal FSH:
A normal FSH is suggested to be between 3 mIU/ml to 10 mIU/ml.
High FSH:
FSH more than 12 mIU/ml suggests that the ovarian reserve is weakened. More than 25 mIU/ml is a confirmation of ovarian failure and most commonly found in menopausal women.
FSH level and Estradiol
Estradiol is an estrogen produced by the ovary. If produced at a level more than 75 pg/ml [Day 3 of cycle] suggests low ovarian reserve. If the estradiol level is high and FSH is normal ovarian reserve may still be affected.
Low FSH:
Less than 2 mIU/ml is found in women who are pregnant, taking the pill or who have the condition hypogonadotropic hypogonadism.