Causes of Chin Hair
When a woman goes through menopause, she produces less estrogen and progesterone. When the ovaries stop ovulating regularly, the estrogen levels drop, and androgen (male hormone) is left to stimulate body and facial hair growth, as well as acne, according to
Polycystic ovary syndrome can result in hair growth on the chin. Women suffering from this condition have too many androgens (male hormones). PCOS is the leading cause of infertility and a risk factor for uterine cancer. This condition is an indicator of hormone imbalance. If you have developed excessive face and bodily hair, you may have PCOS.
Hirsutism is defined, according to, as the excessive growth of thick, dark hair in areas where hair growth in women is generally minimal or absent.
Congential Adrenal Hyperplasia
According to Medlineplus, congenital adrenal hyperplasia can affect both sexes and results in pronounced masculine characteristics, including facial hair. When someone has this condition, she lacks an enzyme needed by the adrenal gland to produce cortisol and and aldosterone, which are hormones. If there aren't enough of these hormones in the body, the body produces too much of the male sex hormone, androgen, which makes male characteristics predominant.
Medicines--such as phenytoin, minoxidil, testosterone, danazol, anabolic steroids, glucocorticoids, and cyclosporine--can cause facial hair.
Cancer, or a tumor, of the adrenal gland or of the ovary can cause facial hair, according to Medlineplus.