What Does a Normal Endometrial Biopsy Mean?
If you are experiencing extremely heavy periods, irregular cycles or fertility problems, your gynecologist may recommend that you have a transvaginal ultrasound to detect irregularities in the areas of the ovaries and uterus. While this form of diagnosis is highly effective, the National Cancer Institute notes that the endometrial biopsy can provide a more definitive answer as to whether the uterine tissue consists of normal or cancerous cells.-
According to Medline Plus, an endometrial biopsy is a procedure that removes a small sample of the uterine lining.
How Is the Endometrial Sample Removed?
According to American Academy of Family Physicians, the cervix is dilated, and a suction catheter is maneuvered up into the area of the uterus, exhuming a small tissue sample. The procedure is usually done in the gynecologist's office, and is usually completed in less than five minutes.
The Biopsy
The endometrial tissue is placed under a microscope where it can be viewed up close for any abnormal cells that can signify cancer, polyps, fibroids or hormonal imbalances that can cause menstrual or fertility issues.
Normal Biopsy
Merck Source describes a normal endometrial biopsy to mean that the lining of the uterus lacks the presence of precancerous and cancerous cells growth. The normal diagnosis will also note the thickness of the uterine lining. A normal endometrial biopsy reveals that the thickness is comparable to that of a healthy uterus.
Abnormal Results
Unfortunately for some women, the endometrial biopsy does not reveal a healthy result. Depending on the degree of abnormalities within the uterus, further testing, procedures or surgeries may be necessary. However, some abnormal results will only require hormonal replacement.