Weird Symptoms of Menopause
Brown Spotting
Before and after the last menstrual cycle, women experience periods of spotting instead of full menstrual cycles. It can be a little unsettling when spotting changes from the usual red to a more brownish color. This is natural and normal.
Hair Where?
Unfortunately, one of the more unsightly symptoms of menopause is hair growth in strange places. As estrogen levels decrease, unwanted facial, chest and abdominal hair increases. The irony is as hair increases in unusual places, hair thins on the head and pubic area. There are treatments for dealing with unsightly hair, including home hair removal, electrolysis, laser treatments and even new FDA-approved drugs.
Mood Swings and Anxiety
Mood swings and increased anxiety are probably the most difficult symptoms to deal with, because they not only affects the woman but everyone else in her life. Frank, honest talks with family and friends, along with stress reliefs such as meditation, long soaks in a hot tub and plenty of exercise, will help.
Vaginal Dryness and Atrophy
As estrogen decreases, the vaginal wall begins to thin and reduces production of natural mucus. Experts suggest drinking plenty of fluids, using personal lubricants, continuing to have sex, and employing Kegel exercises. The exercises will not only help maintain vaginal wall integrity but reduce associated urinary incontinence.
Memory Loss and Verbal Slips
It wasn't until research done the after the 1990s that experts realized decreasing estrogen levels can cause a "syndrome" that increases memory loss and verbal slips. Women in this stage often might mean to say one word, but another word pops out instead or they might have difficulty remembering names of familiar people and places.
The Good News
If you think you might be in the early stages of menopause, ask your doctor to perform two tests. The first test checks follicle stimulating hormone levels. Levels decrease when you are heading into menopause. The second is a simple pap smear that allows him to check for vaginal thinning. Most importantly, talk with your doctor about any and all symptoms you experience. He may suggest natural remedies such as soy or black cohosh, medications to ease mood swings and anxiety, or he may decide you need hormone replacement therapy.