How to Relieve Itching and Irritation with Natural Cures for Yeast Infections

Women can find relief from vaginal itching and irritation by using natural cures for yeast infections. Yeast infections are caused by a fungus known as candida. Most women naturally have small amounts of this fungus in their vagina. Changes in acidic levels can allow the fungus to multiply, which can lead to an infection. Natural cures for yeast infections can help women maintain their acidic balance.


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      Treat your symptoms with probiotics. Recent studies suggest that probiotics are among the most effective natural cures for yeast infections. Probiotics are known as a good form of bacteria and are naturally produced in the vagina. According to research, probiotics are effective in preventing yeast from growing. They are available as supplements, or suppositories.

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      Treat your condition with boric acid suppositories. This is one of the most effective natural cures for yeast infections. Boric acid acts as an antiseptic and ant-fungal. Research suggests that it is more effective than some anti-fungal medications. Patients in the study, who used boric acid suppositories containing 600 milligrams daily, were cured of their symptoms within two weeks.

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      Keep your acidic levels balanced. Acid levels in the vagina must stay properly balanced in order to prevent yeast from growing. Antibiotics, birth control pills, douches, and feminine hygiene sprays can alter acidic levels, resulting in a yeast infection. Certain medical conditions such as diabetes, pregnancy, and a compromised immune system can also make a woman more susceptible to a yeast infection.

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      Prevent a yeast infection from re-occurring. Yeast thrives in moisture. So take off bathing suits or wet clothing right away. Also, don't wear clothing that fits tightly, and avoid synthetic material. Try not to wear pantyhose every day. Wear cotton under wear. Always wipe from front to back, after using the bathroom. This will prevent the transfer of yeast from the rectum to the vaginal area.

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