How to Get Rid of Yeast Infections
Use vaginal creams, ovules and suppositories to get rid of yeast infections. Vaginal creams come packaged with an applicator which is used to introduce the preparation into the specified areas. Some vaginal creams are meant for external use on the vulva, while others are meant to be applied directly into the vagina. Insert vaginal ovules and suppositories filled with yeast infection treatment for less messy, faster symptom relief. Most of these treatments require use for 1 to 7 days for maximum effectiveness. Follow all package directions to avoid recurrent yeast infections.
Eat an 8 ounce daily dose of yogurt. Yogurt containing the Lactobacillus acidophilus bacteria can help stave off and get rid of yeast infections. Choose plain, sugar-free yogurt for best results. Added ingredients such as sugar can reduce the effectiveness of the treatment. Look for yogurt labels that display the inclusion of active cultures to ensure you're getting a helpful serving of healthy bacteria.
Maintain a regular personal hygiene regimen to get rid of yeast infections. Wash your vaginal area with warm soapy water at least once daily. Dry your vaginal area with a clean towel to prevent excess moisture build-up. Wipe from "front-to-back" to reduce the amount of fungus surrounding your vaginal area. Adjust your hygiene regimen to account for your daily activity level. For example, take an extra bath or shower if you participate in sweaty activities such as aerobics.
Sustain a suitable vaginal environment to get rid of yeast infections. Wear breathable cotton underwear whenever possible to promote proper air flow throughout the vaginal area. Refrain from wearing form-fitting clothing to further your efforts. Trapped air and moisture can contain harmful fungus.
Refrain from using harsh soaps and chemicals. Agents contained in some soaps, perfumes and powders can aid the spread of fungus by causing unnecessary dryness and irritation. Choose products with hypo-allergenic properties for added safety. Avoid douching because this action can actually hurt the vaginal environment by stripping away useful bacteria.