Natural Remedies For Yeast Infections
Things You'll Need
- Yogurt
- Tea tree oil
- Apple cider vinegar
- Hydrogen peroxide
- Garlic oil capsules
- Cranberry juice
Cut refined sugar out of your diet at the first sign of a yeast infection. Although studies are inconclusive about high sugar diets bringing on a yeast infection, it is known that consuming a lot of sugar may prolong the duration or severity of a yeast infection.
Stock up on yogurt. Check the label to make sure you’re buying a brand with live culture since the acidophilus helps your body’s pH levels return to normal. Buy sugar-free flavored yogurt to eat and insert plain yogurt into the vagina with a large rubber syringe or a vaginal applicator and wear a sanitary pad to protect your underwear.
Soak a tampon in a cup of water to which you’ve added a few drops of tea tree oil. Tea tree oil contains the vital ingredient, terpinen-4-ol, that kills bacteria and Candida yeast, a type of a fungus. Insert the tampon and wear a pad to catch drips. Repeat three times a day until the yeast infection is gone.
Use apple cider vinegar diluted with equal parts of water for an external genital wash to relieve itching and burning. Alternately, use hydrogen peroxide diluted at the ratio of ¼ cup for every 2 cups of warm water and pat the area dry with a clean towel. Use as often as needed for itch relief.
Eat garlic and use it as a vaginal suppository as well. Spice up soups and salads with fresh garlic or take a garlic supplement, which can be found in the vitamin aisle at the grocery store or pharmacy. In addition, you can soak a garlic oil capsule in water just until it is soft and then insert it vaginally. Choose non-odor garlic capsules.
Add unsweetened cranberry juice to your diet on a weekly basis to ward off new infections by lowering the acidic pH level in your body. For further protection against infection, avoid nylon undergarments and reduce sugary foods in your diet.