How to Soothe Menstrual Cramps
Try going natural before taking medicine. Put a heating pad on and lie down. It's best to lie down on your stomach while applying the heat pressure to the area of pain. You could lie on your back with the pad lying on the area as well. The point is to get in a position where you can comfortably lie down for a certain amount of time.
Opt for a disposable heating pad if you have to go somewhere. ThermaCare works wonders if you have to be on the go. It's a disposable heating pad available in drugstores and discount markets. Simply put the adhesive part in a position where it will come in contact with the source of pain when placed upon the skin. The heating pad is air activated. it can take away cramps discreetly as you move through your day.
Take a good, strong painkiller. It's best to get a doctor-prescribed painkiller, but any sort of aspirin will do just fine.
Get moving. Yes, you probably do not feel like working out when you are on your period. A simple--yet vigorous--walk is alright. If you work out at least three or four times per week, you are far less likely to get cramps. While this may not be an immediate solution, it is a long-term solution for cramps. Many who are very physically active do not get cramps at all. It takes dedication, but it is worth it.
Talk to your doctor about natural progesterone. This may alleviate all signs and symptoms of cramps. It sounds like a dream, and it can be one for certain people. You need to figure out if it's right for you by asking for a doctor's advice.
Take your vitamins every day, but pick one that has calcium and zinc. These two miracle workers can help your body in many ways. One plus is that they can help prevent cramps before they start.
Indulge in the things that you tend to stay away from. Chocolate and bubble baths are great ideas when a case of the cramps occurs. Anything that can help soothe the soul can take your mind away from pain.