How to Relieve Menstrual Pain Effectively
Treat symptoms with heat. A warm bath, heating pad or water bottle can all bring relief due to cramping. Relax with moderate heat for as long as needed. Be warned though that heat can loosen clots associated with cramping and therefore increase bleeding.
Take mild analgesics for pain. There are many products on the over the counter market designed to relieve pain and some specifically formulated for menstrual pain. Check labels for the key ingredients and amounts. You can often find the same essential formulas in off brands allowing you to spend less.
Relieve headache with temple massage and deep breathing. Dim the lights in a cool room. Lie down on a bed or recline in a comfortable chair. Use the tips of your fingers to massage in slow circles on your temples. Take deep breaths and let them out slowly. Some women also find relief from headache by squeezing the area between their thumb and forefinger with a good deal of pressure for two minutes.
Do gentle stretches to warm the muscles of your body and relieve aching pains. Sit on the floor and extend your legs while raising your arms and bending to one side. Hold this pose for several seconds as you breathe deeply. Alternate to the other side and use the same motion. Lower your hands to the floor and gently push up from your pelvis and hold your body in the air for 10 seconds. Finally, roll over to your stomach, extend your legs and point your toes and then lift your legs slightly and maintain the position for another 10 seconds. Incorporate other stretches and gentle exercises as your pain decreases.
Use guided imagery to manage pain. This is a form of meditation which involves generating mental pictures to fight against whatever is causing you discomfort. Pick scenes that relax you and leave you fulfilled and satisfied. Think of a refreshing place such as an uncrowded beach, a fragrant forest or beautiful rainforest. Use your senses by imagining what you see, feel, smell, taste and hear. Focus your thoughts and do not let everyday concerns distract you. Meditate for at least 20 minutes to achieve relief.
Eat fresh fruits including bananas and strawberries, fish and even a little chocolate while on your period to relieve pain. Avoid fatty foods, chips and other heavily processed foods which can aggravate pain. Basically, eat healthy as you should always do and be careful not to eat foods which aggravate your stomach on any day as these will be especially irritating during your menstrual cycle.
See a physician if your menstrual pain becomes particularly bothersome. Often a doctor can prescribe a particular medicine, usually a contraceptive that can help relieve your symptoms. There are even some prescriptions which can reduce the number of periods you have or eliminate them altogether for a period of time. Ask your doctor regarding the risks of any medication you consider.