How to Use Alternative Methods to Treat a Yeast Infection
Things You'll Need
- Yogurt
- Dandelion leaves
- Herbal teas
- Tea tree oil
Make sure it really is a yeast infection. If you’ve suffered from one before, you know the symptoms. However, if this is a first for you, some medical experts suggest you see a doctor for an initial diagnosis, and then treat subsequent infections at home.
Observe your symptoms when diagnosing a yeast infection. Often the vagina and vulva will itch and burn and you may experience a whitish discharge that has the distinct odor of yeast.
Promote a healthy pH balance in your vagina with the use of acidophilus. Eat two or three small cartons of yogurt every day after checking to make sure the label lists lactobacillus as an ingredient. You may also douche with plain, unflavored yogurt. Acidophilus also comes in capsule and tablet form.
Insert one or two peeled garlic cloves in the vagina before going to bed at night. Garlic contains a strong antifungal agent that kills yeast bacteria. If you’re worried about accidentally ‘losing’ the cloves, find a fresh tea bag, remove the tealeaves and put the garlic cloves in the bag, securing it with a string. Insert the bag into the vagina as you would a tampon, removing it in the morning with the string.
Make an herbal douche that packs an antifungal punch. Boil water and throw in a few handfuls of common dandelion leaves, allowing the mixture to steep for 20 minutes. Strain and cool the liquid before douching with it. Wild dandelion leaves are a good choice since they are unlikely to be treated with chemicals.
Drink a variety of herbal teas that promote a healthy pH in your body, calming a yeast infection and preventing future outbreaks. Good choices are barberry, chamomile and uva ursi, combined or alone.
Use the power of tea tree oil when you need relief fast from intense burning and itching. Saturate a tampon in a cup of water with a few drops of tea tree oil added. Insert into the vagina and wear a sanitary pad to protect your clothing from “leaks”
Cut carbohydrates out of your diet when you have a yeast infection. Yeast bacteria thrive on high sugar levels in the body. Switch to a low-carb diet until you experience relief, and then gradually add carbohydrates back into your diet.