How to Prepare for a LEEP Procedure
Be informed. Talk to your doctor, conduct your own research and find out every bit of information you can about the LEEP before going in to have the procedure. Knowledge is power, and the more you know, the more comfortable you will be with the procedure.
Schedule the LEEP for a time when you will not be on your menstrual period. If you start your period on the day your LEEP is scheduled, you will need to reschedule the procedure. The menstrual period makes the cervix very difficult for the physician to see clearly.
Avoid sexual intercourse and douching for 48 hours before the procedure.
Invoke the buddy system. Recruit a friend or family member to take you to the LEEP so that you have someone available to drive you home. You may also want to have someone stick around with you for a day or so to ensure you do not have any complications from the procedure.
Refrain from taking any aspirin or aspirin-based medications before the procedure.
Be prepared to avoid intercourse, tampons, heavy lifting, douching and hot tubs or baths for 1 month after the procedure. These can increase the risk for infection.