How to Control Hot Flashes
Exercise for at least 30 minutes three times a week. Studies have found that women who exercise on a regular basis experience less hot flashes.
Take a black cohosh supplement daily. This can be found in most natural food stores. Black cohosh is an herb used in Europe to treat hot flashes. Studies have found no side effects from black cohosh if you use it for six months or less. There have not been any studies on longer use of the herb.
Add soy and red clover to your diet. Both of these are excellent sources of isoflavones, a plant derived compound similar to the estrogen made by our bodies. Because of the estrogen like effect of the isoflavones, however, there is some concern that consumption of them might increase risks of cancer. If you have battled cancer in the past, talk to your doctor before increasing the isoflavones in your diet.
Dress in layers. As you heat up, remove extra clothing to help your body cool down. For the same reason, use several thin blankets on your bed instead of one heavy one. Shed the blankets when you get warm.
Drink a glass of cold water to cool your body when a hot flash hits. Keep a thermos of cold water near your bed at night for night time hot flashes, which are sometimes called night sweats.